Thursday, July 14, 2011

The lying liars

So let me remind you of the PROPER history of the mess we are in now. Despite what the lying liars of the GOP are telling you.

When President Bill Clinton left office in 2000 after Bush stole the election, we had a budget surplus. Bush decided to empty that surplus instead of saving it for a rainy day. He gave tax cuts and drained it. Then Bush started two wars (which he kept off the books) so we didn't know how much it cost and Republicans didn't care. No one (including Democrats) seemed to question or challenge anything Bush did while in office. Bush said many times in office (again unquestioned) it's not my problem I'm leaving it for the next President. Who happens to be President Obama.

Now all the sudden Republicans want deficit reductions (and no raising of the revenue) President Obama is questioned by the media on everything he does unlike how Bush was treated. And contrary to Bush he doesn't run and hide for months at a time.

Also remember Bush said he the tax cuts for the rich are going to create jobs. Record job loss under that as  always. Like trickle down economics never work as always.

President Obama is an adult surrended by the Republican children who cry and whine and moan about everything and get nothing done.

So remember REPUBLICANS ran the deficit. REPUBLICANS are responsible for the current shape of  the country. REPUBLICANS are solely responsible for the mess we are in.

If this factual history isn't reason enough  NEVER to vote for a Republican in any election. I don't know what the hell is.

1 comment:

Robert E Wilson said...

Thank you Erik, for that bit of entertainment. You forgot to begin your post with "Once upon a time" and "They lived Happily ever after".

For anybody who needs to be reminded of how the story really goes, here it is:

The often talked about "budget surplus" at the end of the Clinton Administration is a myth. It didn't exist. There actually was a budget surplus PROJECTION. This meant that if the budget was left as is, revenues would eventually surpass spending and there would be a surplus some years down the road, not at the time of the election of Bush. This surplus PROJECTION was created thanks to a Republican Congress that shot down every attempt by Bill Clinton to create new spending programs such as HillaryCare.

Bush never had a budget surplus. He did lower taxes to job creators and unemployment went down to historic lows. The economy boomed and the ironic thing happened that tax and spend Democrats never want to hear; Tax revenues increased to record levels! That's right, the Bush Administration took in more tax revenue than any other Administration in history.

The economy was so good during the Bush Administration that it continued to flourish after the major catastrophe of 9/11. The two wars that Bush and other war mongers like Ted Kennedy, Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton started did increase the deficit to uncomfortable levels.

The economy was so good that unfortunately, people had too much confidence in it and bought homes and cars they couldn't afford but figured they would be able to eventually, as long as the economy continued to boom. Thanks to Freddie/Mac, people who weren't financially viable enough were encouraged to buy these homes. This, and the fact that all booming economys always eventually fall created the recession that Obama inherited that which he and the media continually remind us.

Obama has done nothing to improve the economy. Why should he? He can spend and raise taxes and just continue to blame Bush for everything. How convenient it has been for him.

Now that he is finally being pushed, Obama has revealed that he is the
He throws a tantrum at Congress for not doing what he wants. He lies saying that 80% of the American people are on his side. He threatens elderly people that they won't get their Social Security checks if he doesn't get his way. That's a child for you.

He is also a hypocrite. He called raising the debt ceiling "irresponslible" during the Bush Presidency. Now he's leader of the raise the ceiling parade.