Friday, August 12, 2011


You know what I always find funny is how the enemy (Republicans) talk about how President Obama is a socialist but if you look at what the enemy wants is  they want us to be a communist society. They want only rich and they don't care about you otherwise. Just like in the old Soviet Union.

1 comment:

Robert E Wilson said...

You have no idea what you are talking about.

"To each according to his ability, to each according to his need"

Those immortal words from Karl Marx is what the Left is all about.

In Communism, there is no rich or poor. If you are unable to contribute to society, you are entitled to the same goods and services as those who work the hardest. In Marxism, that's called "fairness".

This is the opposite of Capitalism where individual acheivement is rewarded and failure to contribute is punished.