Wednesday, May 22, 2013


With the current makeup of the Supreme Court I am pretty sure how they will rule but I see they are taking a case about allowing prayer in Public Government Meetings.

How they should rule is simple: If they believe in the constitution they should rule 9-0 against it. We have separation of church and state for a reason and that would CLEARLY establish a religion because we know it would only involve christianity.


Robert E Wilson said...

Just my friendly reminder that despite how many times you bring it up, "separation of church and state" is not in the U.S. Constitution.

Robert E Wilson said...

Also, since nothing is mentioned about what kind of prayer, which religion is being established?

Erik said...

Funny how you don't feel the same about a well regulated militia

Erik said...

Gee I wonder what type of prayer..Unless you are stupid you know what kind. Hint it's not Jewish Muslim Budha or anything other then some kind of Christian prayer

Robert E Wilson said...

So what? Since somebody prays on public property, that's establishing a religion? That's crazy!

You've got the first amendment backwards, Erik. It protects religion from the government, not the other way around. It's called religious freedom. People have died for it. People have risked life and limb to come to this country because it is offered.

You seem to think government is more important than religion (they had that idea in the USSR and China, too.) It's not. Religion is more important and that's CLEARLY stated in the first amendment.