Saturday, October 06, 2018

Double Standard

I would like to make it clear my feeling on Kavanaugh.. Much as I don't like it Trump is President. Trump has the right to choose who he wants as Supreme Court Justice. What I don't like is the double standards Republicans have when it comes to those who are accused of Sexual Harassment.

Bill Clinton had consensual sex and went through the impeachment process. Donald Trump gets accused and gets elected President. Kavanaugh is accused and gets to the Supreme Court.

That's a double standard and that's what needs to change.

1 comment:

Robert E Wilson said...

So many thing wrong with this...

None of this is about sexual harassment, it's about sexual abuse. Harassment is typically in the workplace involving sexual favors for advancement or in keeping one's job. Abuse is essentially, rape or at least non-consensual contact.

Clinton's impeachment had nothing to do with this. Clinton lied to a federal grand jury, which is a major crime. The content of the perjury is irrelevant.

Since you brought up Clinton, the same people who condemn Kavanaugh defend Clinton unconditionally. Stop lecturing about the Right's hypocrisy!

You bring up Franken. I can only assume that Franken resigned because he was guilty and didn't want himself or his family to go through with any investigations and subsequent legal actions.

You earlier brought up Bill Cosby. He was convicted. Funny how the Hollywood Left protected Cosby for decades, then suddenly, Cosby reveals he is not the black victim activist that Hollywood assumed he was. All of a sudden, all this shit came out. Again, don't lecture on hypocrisy!

Has Kavanaugh been convicted? Has it occurred to you at all that maybe, just maybe, all these allegations may be false? Have you at all considered his right to be considered innocent unless proven guilty? Should Kavanaugh resign from consideration as a Supreme Court Justice because of false accusations? You have clearly chosen to believe the accusers and ignored Kavanaugh's claims, as well as the FBI's investigation turning up nothing. You have the right to believe what you want, but Kavanaugh's guilt is strictly an opinion at this point.

I'll bet you believed the FBI when they cleared Hillary. Stop lecturing on hypocrisy!