Monday, July 22, 2019

Why I say this

If you think there is nothing wrong with Trump saying Nazi's marching and chanting Jews will not replace this are "fine people", that says about you not me

If you think it's ok for Trump to lock children in cages and separate them from their families and keep them from basic necessities, it says about you not me

If you think it's ok for Trump to say African American athletes using their right to peacefully protest are "sons of bitches" it says about you not me

If you think it's ok for Trump to call poor countries 'shitholes" it says about you not me

if you think it's ok for Trump to call for the executions of people who were found innocent of crimes, it says about you not me

if you think it's ok for Trump to question whether a President is a United States citizen, it says about you not me

If you think it's ok for Trump to tell for Democratic Congresswomen to go back to their country, it says about you not me

Since no Republicans have really come forward to stop this, I assume they all agree with Trump.

That is racism by definition.

1 comment:

Robert E Wilson said...

"That is racism by definition."

You mean the Left definition. The definition of racism in plain terms is "Judging a person or people by the color of their skin and not their character".

The Left seems to believe that we must judge anyone who is not a white, Christian American male as a saint or a victim. Anyone who doesn't is a racist.

Let's explore this a bit.

The holding camps for illegal aliens have been there for years. When Obama was President, nobody cared. Trump is President. It's a big deal. You realize the photo that riled up the Left about this was taken in 2014, during Obama's Presidency. AOC attempted to do the same thing by taking phony pictures. (Whoops! By writing that, I realize that's racism according to you.)

"Fine people." Yeah, it's plain to see how you interpret that. As you say, that says a lot about you.

If they aren't shitholes, then why do they so desperately want to come here? Why do they say they want asylum? We're not being stampeded by people from England, France, Germany, and Japan. It's those from shithole countries (an apt term).

Go ahead and scream Racism! It shows your own myopia.

By plugging your ears and closing your eyes and shouting "Racist", you are ignoring the following:

- Trump upgraded MLK's birthplace to a National Historic Park.
- Trump has and loves his Jewish grandchildren.
- Trump declared Jerusalem the Capital of Israel.
- Trumps policies have lead to the lowest black unemployment in history.
- More minorities own their own business under Trump than in any other time in history.
- Trump was given a lifetime achievement award for paving a way for blacks to enter corporate America.

He's the worst racist ever!