Wednesday, November 04, 2009

About Last Night

So what we are going to hear about the election last night from the right-wing media is how it was a vote against President Obama. If you look at the exit polls that I saw last night on ALL the channels is that will be a lie. The exit polls indicated that 57 % in Virginia said Obama had NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR VOTE and that number was 60% in New Jersey. If you look at Virginia especially historically whatever party is in power in the White House they pick the oposite in the Gov.

What you won't hear from the Right Wing media is about the New York 23 congressional seat being taken by a Democrat for the first time since the Civil War. You won't hear about California 10th which was won by a Democrat for the first time in years as well. Especially NY 23rd though where Republicans started booting out moderates to vote for the "conservative" party candidate. It just shows the infighting involved in the Republican party right now.

However I will say this should serve as a wake up call for Democrats in one sense that they should not take 2010 lightly because you know the Republican nut jobs will be in force supporting the most extremest candidates out there. Be careful.

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