Friday, November 13, 2009

Decent Idea

I would like to give kudos to Jim Demint (R). That's right but one thing I consistantly say is if I hear something I like from a Republican as much as they deserve to be bashed they also deserve credit. So Demint is pushing an amendment that he feels will ease corruption in Washington by having Senators and Congresspeople have term limits. I really don't have a problem with that but really here is a better way to end corruption on all levels of Government:

Public Elections

The reason why there is so much corruption are big businesses are allowed to donate large amounts of money to these polititions (hence why there are huge issues with the healthcare bill among others) and once that stops corruption stops.


Robert E Wilson said...

No matter whose idea it is, term limits are a leftist idea. Like most ideas from the Left, it is a well-intentioned idea that is ultimately harmful.

Term limits are anti-Democracy. If it is the will of the voters to keep electing the same individuals over and over again, that should be the voter's perogative.

Think about it. The real reasoning behind term limits is: "People are stupid and will stupidly vote for the same people, despite what they have done."

Okay, we all think that way sometimes but that doesn't make limiting the options of the voters a good thing. Remember, in a Democracy, we get the government we deserve.

Erik said...

Let me get this striaght... A REPUBLICAN comes up with an idea and it's still Democrats fault?

Someone has been taking the crazy pills today.

As far as the Government we deserve look at the nightmare the last 8 years. But then again he was never elected.

Erik said...

I should say the previous administration and the nightmare he was.

Robert E Wilson said...

Where do I say it's anybodies fault. Remember Erik, I rarely think in terms of Democrat or Republican. To me, it's Liberal or Conservative, which is not the same thing.