Sunday, September 25, 2011

Where is the liberl media

Just wondering why there is NO coverage on the protests on Wall Street going on right now? If this was a "liberal media" I would think I'd have no problem finding it. But I have to search real long and hard to see what's going on.

If this was a tea party protest that would lead off broadcasts and we know it.

Again as usual crickets.


Robert E Wilson said...

It should be obvious. The liberal media is too busy finding every bit of dirt on every Republican Presidential candidate. They are actively trying to sway Republicans to vote for the weakest candidates (Perry or Romney) just as they did in 2008 with McCain so then they can more easily control the election and ensure an Obama re-election.

It's a lot of work being a "journalist" these days.

Erik said...

Robert if Bush was treated HALF as crappy as President Obama is. The phony liberal media gave Bush a free fucking pass on everything. Obama can't sneeze without being attacked.

Robert E Wilson said...


No president, no person period! was more openly despised in human history than one George W. Bush.

Do a google search for "I hate Bush", then do the same for "I hate Obama", I got 3 times as many hits for the first one, compared to the second.

Do the same for youtube and you'll get similar results.