Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wrong again

Despite the Republicants best efforts to destroy the American Auto Industry not only are they back but are making record profits. Congrats to them and the courage YET AGAIN President Obama displayed in bailing them out.

Again more proof how the Republicants wanted to destroy the economy

1 comment:

Robert E Wilson said...

In Capatalism, we reward those who sell products and services at prices we deem of value. I.E. we get what we pay for. That's value and that is what business is all about - creating value or at least, creating the perception of value.

For decades, General Motors took piles of shit, stuck four wheels on them, and charged too much money for their rolling and sputtering shitmobiles. GM had loyalists who bought their products for generations. However, starting in the 1970's, that loyalty started to wane as people drove their Oldsmobiles off the lot and had them fall apart before they even got home. It took a long time but eventually, the luster faded and GM was the face of a failed company. Their products did not have value or any perception of value.

GM deserved to die. People who sucked on the UAW teet and knowingly put shit on wheels deserved to lose their jobs. Those who had talent but somehow got it lost in the mix would have found another company that would have valued their talents. The rest would have had to re-evaluate their lives and understand that putting in an 8 hour day and not really caring if the welds were solid, the panels were properly fit, the quality of steel and plastic was of a quality to last the punishment 100,000 miles or more of driving would put on them, wasn't good enough anymore.

The failure of GM should have been a dead canary in the coal mine. It should have been a cautionary tale of arrogance and the danger of letting a union have too much pull.

The failure of GM would have been something America would overcome and we would be all the wiser as a nation from it. Other companies could look at GM and use the story of this once enormous behemoth and know not to follow the path they did.

GM was like a child throwing a tantrum. Instead of letting the child wear out his tantrum, we reward the child. Now, the child is a spoiled child and knows he can get his way, even when he is mis-behaving. Worse still, the other children know this as well.

Needless to say, I never had and absolutely never will ever purchase a GM product.

Don't be so pleased about GM, Erik. There is evidence that their P and L Report is false. Their sales in 2011 were improved over 2010, but were still not great. They had all sorts of problems with the Chevrolet Volt catching on fire and a major recall and re-design is in order. The U.S. Government bought a substantial number of their vehicles and don't forget the earthquake in Japan severly crippled Honda and Toyota in 2011.