Monday, September 07, 2015

Read The Constitution

We have Separation of Church and State in this country. It's in the Constitution. I suggest you read it.

The reason why I bring this up is what's happening in Kentucky. Kim Davis, an employee of the STATE OF KENTUCKY, is in jail for forcing her religious beliefs on a legal matter.

You see, the SUPREME COURT RULED GAY MARRIAGE IS LEGAL. But Ms. Davis, thinks her religious views are more important.  Keep in mind no one is saying she shouldn't believe how she does. No one is questioning her views despite what the right wing thinks. She is

A) Breaking the Law
B) Refusing to do her job as county clerk

She is no hero. But to right wing hypocrites.


Robert E Wilson said...

You can write it 1,000,000 times but that still doesn't put "separation of church and state" into the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but it does.

Robert E Wilson said...

Sorry, but it doesn't. Sheesh!