Sunday, December 28, 2008

A few more in the bad a few more in the good

I forgot in my last post to name a few in the bad and the good. Here is who I forgot.

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed. You are supposed to be leaders. Not followers. You were followers and gave into Bush every time. If you don't lead find people who will and get out of the way.

John Edwards. You thought with your head and not the one above your shoulders. You would have been an amazing Attorney General and now you are gone. We live with the choices we make and you chose poorly.

The Detroit Lions. Wow. Robert as bad as your Rams are and my Raiders are at least our favorite teams aren't as bad as the Lions.

The BCS. I wish it would go away. They took games like the Rose Bowl and took away it's history. Made it meaningless. As someone who understands tradition in sports it upsets me.


Michael Phelps. Wow what a performance at the Olympics. you had America clued to the TV every time you swam.

Usain Bolt from Jamaica. Your speed at the Olympics was also incredible. Shattered the world record and if you blinked you missed him.

George Carlin. I know he was a dirty comedian in term of language but he was very funny and I will miss him a lot.

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