Wednesday, October 07, 2009


You know I hear the right whine and complain about the lack of coverage on their phony protests even though all the networks were there but I wonder where the coverage by the news was when anti-war protesters shut down Pennsylvania Ave in Washington D.C. the other day? There was nothing on CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, NBC anywhere (I expect nothing on Fox cause they don't care) but even doing a google search here is what I found:

Really horrible when a bunch of angry white men (the right-wing protests) get coverage and normal people don't. Again more proof on the right-wing media.


Robert E Wilson said...

Your link doesn't go anywhere but to a list of sites about a place called "Shutdown, Pennsylvania". I tried to look up what you are trying to say and I couldn't find much.

WaPo Tops Its Front Page with Protest Drawing...176 People?

It seems to me the media stopped covering anti-war protests the minute Obama took office. The media is protecting Obama from any perception that he has no intentions of ending the war any more than Bush did.

Erik said...

And actually he has drawn down troops in Iraq yet not in Afghanistan. He feels that this is the "right" war. If you look at my history I've agreed with Bush and wanted Bin Laden's head on a platter. Bush decided not to do anything and invade another country. Can Obama offer a winning stragedy there? I don't know. He has smart people around him (not cronies like Bush) so I guess we will find out.

Erik said...

I've always said I'm for any war that there is a reason to fight and I don't care who is President. I offered questions earlier that I to expect answers from Obama. If he doesn't answer them I will join the protests.

Tom Michael said...

I, for one, deplore the horrible sexism demonstrated in Erik's post. "Angry white men"? Anyone viewing the footage of the protests available on all media sites can tell that a large number of intellectually deficient and delusional women join their male counterparts at these events!