Friday, October 16, 2009

No One

Giving credit where it's due I'd say no one plays the victim better then Rush the drug addict. I posted the other day that I felt since he has the money he should be allowed to buy the Rams. He was rejected by the ownership group he was supposed to be a part of but that doesn't stop him. He blames everyone but the person ultimately responsible for his being dismissed from the group: Rush and his racist comments. It's really pathetic which is what he is. Pathetic.


Robert E Wilson said...

I'll agree with you on this one. Even though I agree with most of his points of view, I dislike Rush because he talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.

Conservatives are about personal responsibility. Rush, by blaming others, is obviosly not practicing what he preaches.

Erik said...

Robert the next conservative who takes personal responsibility for his/her actions will be the first I've ever heard.

Robert E Wilson said...

I realize as I write this, that you will hate and disagree with every word. Here it goes anyways.

The fundamental difference between Conservatives and Liberals is Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, Liberals do not.

Conservatives believe we are created equal. After that, it is up to each individual as to where to go from there. Liberals believe we are created equal, and stay equal forever no matter what choices we make. We all are human and we all make poor choices. The Conservative will accept responsibility for the poor choice, learn from it, and try to do better. The Liberal will blame the poor choice on others citing circumstances beyond his/her control. The Conservative believes in individual freedom, but for every freedom, there is a corresponding responsibility. For Liberals, they believe in freedoms too, but the responsibilities should be placed on others - namely wealthy people (who are usually people who believe in personal responsibility) or the Government.

Here are some specific examples:

If you believe in universal health care, you don't believe in personal responsibility. You believe that those who made poor choices in their lives are entitled to those who made better choices. Not only that, people who believe in universal health care believe in forcing those who made better choices pay for the ones who didn't. People who believe in universal health care say things like "Alcoholism is a disease." In making alcoholism a disease, that relieves the drinker of responsibility.

If you believe in minimum wage, you don't believe in personal responsibility. People who believe in minimum wage don't believe they have any control over their pay rate. They won't accept that they are responsible for their pay rate. If they feel they are underpaid, they cry to the Government and play the victim card. Responsible people know they need to prove their worth. If they aren't getting it, they know it is up to them to do something about it.

When minorities believe they are entitled to benefits they don't deserve and play the "race card", they are not taking personal responsibility. Unfortunately, this behavior is encouraged by the media and by the Left and is used as a tool against the Right. If a pundit calls out such a minority, the media and the Left are quick to wrongly call the individual a racist.

Sylvester Stallone sums my argument up perfectly in Rocky Balboa