Sunday, March 04, 2012

I'll Do it

So recently in his defense of sexist, drug addict pig Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity challenged any viewer to find right wing groups who organize boycotts. It's easy to search so here we go

They are threatening to boycott Toys R Us for the crime of selling a comic book with gay marriage. These are also the same people who boycotted JC Penny recently for the crime of having Ellen DeGeneres as a spokesperson.

Speaking of the drug addict, he called for a boycott of GM after President Obama saved them from going bankrupt

Catholic family called for a boycott of girl scout cookies cause of their alleged ties to planned parenthood

Newsbusters led a boycott against Lowes for advertising on the show All American Muslim

If you want Sean I can continue. Sorry you are blindly stupid on this one

1 comment:

Robert E Wilson said...

Have to agree with you on this one. I don't know what Sean was thinking. It was a stupid thing to say.