Friday, February 27, 2009

Arrest him

Shawn Hannity needs to be arrested for making a direct threat on President Obama. There is a poll on his website advocating overthrowing the elected PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. You can't even joke about something like that. It's scary cause you always have nutjobs who will believe and try to do as Hannity and so many other right-wingers want. And you know they do. I won't link to the poll cause I don't wanna give help to someone advocating TREASON like Hannity is!

Another thing that's directly related to this treason is how there are more hate groups who are blaming Obama for the economy that he inhereted from Bush. Pathetic but what do you expect from Republicans.

1 comment:

Robert E Wilson said...

Before I could even comment on this, show the link on [Sean] Hannity's site about overthrowing Obama. I can't find it.