Monday, February 23, 2009

Running Scared

The funniest thing I've heard recently is how scared Republicans are of the "fairness doctrine" even though I've not heard anything from the Obama Administration about bringing it back. I've heard the fear in voices from people like drug-addict Limbaugh and Hannity just at the mere thought of having (god-forbid) equal voices on the air.

Personally I would love to have options of my listening to talk radio. I don't think it will happen but just the thought of these know-nothing idiots squirming makes me happy.


Robert E Wilson said...

It seems like you are contradicting yourself again. I specifically recall you saying you would not be in favor of the [Un]Fairness Doctrine.

Also, Obama did talk about it in January. He said he was not if favor of it, something I am very happy about and fully give him credit for. It's virtually every other Democrat in Washington, starting with Nancy Pelosi who is trying to bring the censorship back.

Erik said...

I can change my mind BUT realistically it won't happen. What really needs to change is more diversity on ownership of the tv and radio stations and companies like Clear Channel who own many stations here in Los Angeles

Erik said...

Just a side note with the Sirius we both have how come conservative radio is called patriot and not liberal. Again my pet peeve that not being conservative makes me unpatriotic.