Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I paid a little attention to the C-Pac convention over the weekend and I heard a common theme throughout: Taking "our" (meaning conservative) country back.

I got some questions:
Since when is this ONLY a conservative country?
Do conservatives forget their policies got us where we are right now in this recession with de-regulation and trickle down economics?
Will they ever offer new ideas?
Every Republican should be asked is Rush right in wanting President Obama to fail?
And do they not realize if President Obama fails the whole country fails due to Republican policies?


Robert E Wilson said...

I got some answers:

"Since when is this ONLY a conservative country?"

Nobody said that. How many times in the past eight years did Democrats chant "We've got to take our country back!"?

"Do conservatives forget their policies got us where we are right now in this recession with de-regulation and trickle down economics?"

Not conservatives - it was Republicans who ran the country during the time. We had massive economic growth, which is ALWAYS followed by a decline. The best thing Bush could have done is NOTHING and let the markets fix themselves after a few down periods. The reason the economy is really tanking is because Bush started paying failed companies. This is being followed up by the current administration that is bent on rewarding failed businesses and people even more. In a previous discussion, I mentioned that Obama would be worse than Bush about this and this is exactly what I meant.

"Will they ever offer new ideas?"

Supply-side economics works. JFK thought so and the economy was very good during his tenure. Reagan thought so and the economy went from deep recession to very good. George W. Bush thought so and six of his eight years in office had a great economy. In contrast, Franklin Roosevelt spent and spent and we had The Great Depression. George HW Bush ruined the Reagan economy by raising taxes. Note that the idea of supply-side economics does not necessarily follow a particular political party.

"Every Republican should be asked is Rush right in wanting President Obama to fail?"

Limbaugh was misquoted. He never said he wanted Obama to fail. He said he wants Socialism to fail. I want Socialism to fail. We fought World War II, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, and The Cold War because we want Socialism to fail.

"And do they not realize if President Obama fails the whole country fails due to Republican policies?"

I knew this would be your attitude. No matter what happens in the next four years, you are going to blame it on Republicans.

Robert E Wilson said...

I'm curious to see if you do any of the following based on my above post:

Call me a typical Republican

Say I don't directly debate your points

Say that your opinions are facts

Ignore everything I wrote

Erik said...

No one said that?? When I hear I want my country back from Republicans yes that's the implication.

It's always nice when you have revisionist history. Conservatives were in charge of the country and their policies led us to where we are. That's why you are nothing right now!

I'm using Limbaugh's own words. No one else's so again revisionist history. He said it multiple times and people like McConnell and Delay agree with him. As do you. Says as always more about you.

And of course it's Republican's who got us here. You should stop being in denial of that. I expect no less since you blamed EVERYTHING ON DEMOCRATS EVEN THOUGH THEY WEREN'T IN CHARGE. Republicans were. And again as always their responses and lack of new ideas will say everything on why they are NOT IN CHARGE.

And if I recall a conversation we had once you blamed a recession when Bush started on DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON. Double standard as always from you Robert.

Robert E Wilson said...

Not sure what "double standard" you're talking about. Yes, the country was in recession when George W. Bush took office. I understood then and now that recession was due to the falling out of the "dot com boom", it had very little to do with Clinton. Of course, Clinton gets credit for the economy during the "dot com boom" which is also wrong.

Bush lowered taxes and a year and a half later, the economy recovered.

Let's see where we are in a year and a half.

Robert E Wilson said...

By the way, don't think I don't know where this is all going.

If the economy goes up, you and the MSM will give all criedit to the Obama administration.

If the economy does not recover, you and the MSM will take pity on poor Obama and the mountainous task he had to try to clean up the mess the Republicans made.

Either way, you win, right?

Anonymous said...

"In contrast, Franklin Roosevelt spent and spent and we had The Great Depression."

More revisionist history from a Republican in denial that there economic model is A FAILURE.

Herbert hoover, and the two Republican administrations before him, slashed regulations and encouraged bubbles. Sound familiar? The Great Depression began with a stock market crash in October, 1929 - seven months into Hoover's term.

Hoover then tried to do what the republicans want to do today. Stop spending. Put protectionist policies in place. The result for hoover was to drive the nation so deep into economic depression that by the time FDR took office THREE YEARS LATER, the Republicans had dug us into a hole so deep that spending would take a decade to dig us out.

As Santayana noted, "those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it." Republicans aren't concerned with remembering the past, they want to rewrite it so that the failures of their screwed-up "faith-based economics" can be blamed on others.

Robert E Wilson said...


Granted I mis-worded my phrase about FDR. I am very well aware that the Great Depression started under Hoover.

However, as you stated, Hoover promoted protectionism - a very bad idea. Obama is hinting at the same thing.

The Great Depression may not have already been in effect by the time FDR was elected, but FDR's attempts to spend and offer government jobs and programs did nothing to alleviate it. It just made the Federal Government bigger and more mis-managed.

It's amazing to me how leftists always repeat the quote about ignoring history when they are completely guilty of it. Witness that you ignored my claims concerning Kennedy, Reagan, and George HW Bush. Instead, you found fault in my statement about FDR and went off on that.