Monday, March 16, 2009

Two Outrages

I got two topics I would like to talk about today. They are related.

First we have AIG. They claim they have to pay $165 of taxpayer dollars toward executive bonuses because "we have to because of contracts" and "we have to retain the best and brightest". I have a couple of responses to that:

1) Contracts are re-negotiated all the time. Ask the auto-workers, airlines, teachers and so many others I can name.

2) These "best and the brightest" are why you are in the mess you are in. They should NEVER be rewarded for ruining a company and deserve to be fired

3) President Obama claims his hands are tied. I realize this is the part that was negotiated by former secretary and former head of AIG (no conflict there) Paulson but you should sign an exectutive order saying taxpayers will not pay bonuses for failed companies. That's the easy way.

Second I bring Dick Cheney. He said in response to the economic crises we are in because of his and Bush's policies "stuff happens"

Stuff happens. And you wonder why Republicans are not in charge anymore.


Anonymous said...

As Mark Evanier points out on his excellent blog, the one things insurance companies are really, really good at is coming up with ways not to pay money that they contractually owe. If the president of AIG can't think of a way not to pay the money, he should be fired for incompetence.

Erik said...

There could easily be a way and that's just say no.