Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Big Difference

The following is the difference between Democrats and Republicans in regards of the Iraq war: Democrats want to bring our troops home and Republicans CLEARLY do not. Never is this more evident then the following quote from Republican Kay Baily Hutchison in regards to a bill by Democrats to bring our troops home:

She said the bill would "put a bullet right in the hearts of our troops who are there." Now I'm sorry but is there a more greater insult to our troops then that? She is saying to the troops, some of them who have been there a very long time aways from there families, friends, loved ones that bringing them home would kill them. What a loser.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully support our troops - those below the level of Commander-in-chief, anyway - and oppose a war which may well prove to be the greatest foreign policy blunder any American leader has ever committed. Anyone who confuses "support our troops" with "support the war" is, simply, a tool. Kay Bailey Hutchinson proved she was a tool long ago. I've got to give her props for consistency.