Thursday, August 19, 2010

Poor Baby

Poor so-called Dr. Laura. She announced on Larry King that she was canceling her radio show because she "wants to regain her 1st amendment rights back". If you recall last week she was under fire for an incredibly racist rant directed toward one of her callers.

I remember a quote on this site about being responsible. Her rights to say that were never taken away HOWEVER she, like everyone else, has to realize what they say they are accountable. If she doesn't like that well she should move to a country with no speech rights.

Another thing I did some research on is back in the late 1990's CBS wanted to hire her for a radio show. She said she would ONLY if CBS fired one of their dj's at the time Howard Stern. So she was perfectly willing to trample on another 1st amendments rights.

Bottom line is she, like everyone else, is accountable for what they say. If they don't like it they need to find another way to earn money.

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