Sunday, January 01, 2012

A few wishes

Just a few holiday wishes

For Los Angeles to elect a mayor that's more interested in doing the work of the city then being in photo-ops

For Republicants in Congress to start doing the work of the people instead of the Corporations

For the election to be positive.. Oh who am I kidding with the nuts running against the President.

For a serious start to construction of high speed rail systems instead of bickering from guess who?

For Citizens United to be overruled. That was the most stupid ruling ever by the Supreme Court and the activist judges there.

For President Obama to get the credit he earned for having the courage (unlike the last President who "didn't think about him anymore" to give the order to kill Bin Laden. the world is a much safer place now and President Obama had the guts to make the call unlike Bush who was nothing but a COWARD

For the "Arab Spring" protests to continue to see true change in the world

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