Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Deep Throat

So they finally after all these years found out who Deep Throat is from Watergate. W. Mark Felt is a hero for coming clean after all these years. That took guts. Congrats. From you got the first salvos from Ben Stein(like he's significant), the drug addict Limbaugh and BUchanaon stating that cause Nixon had to resign due to him breaking the law, that was why the United States lost the Vietnam War. Here are the exact quotes:

  • BUCHANAN: There's something deadly serious here. People that brought down Nixon also resulted in the fall of South Vietnam, the death of hundreds of thousands of people. ... Nixon was brought down by people who were a hell of a lot worse than he was. [MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, 5/31/05]
  • LIMBAUGH: Had they not brought down Nixon, we wouldn't have lost Vietnam. Had [they] not brought down Nixon, the Khmer Rouge would not have come to power and murdered two million people in a full-fledged genocide. [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 6/1/05]
  • STEIN: When his [Nixon's] enemies brought him down, and they had been laying for him since he proved that Alger Hiss was a traitor, since Alger Hiss was their fair-haired boy, this is what they bought for themselves in the Kharma Supermarket that is life:

    1.) The defeat of the South Vietnamese government with decades of death and hardship for the people of Vietnam.

    2.) The assumption of power in Cambodia by the bloodiest government of all time, the Khmer Rouge, who killed a third of their own people, often by making children beat their own parents to death. No one doubts RN [Richard Nixon] would never have let this happen.

Now Ladies and Gentlemen of the interenet here is further proof how unintellegent losers these people are. Nixon broke the law(like Clinton and the current resident in the White House) this brave individual (W. Mark) had the courage to advise Woodward and Bernstein about it and they are villans? I need to know why no less then a medal of honor should be given to W. Mark Felt for his bravery.


Anonymous said...

Now that they know who "Deep Throat" is-I can stop doing my own investigation

Anonymous said...

If your Mediamater'd you'd be out of business