Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Rush Said it would be like this

I always liked the quote from Gene Hackman from the movie "The Birdcage." I sometimes listen to the drug addict either if I can't sleep to cure my insomnia or if I ever need a laugh at the foolishness of him and when listening the 14th I heard him say something that even suprised me at the time but thinking about it I figure he must be as usual in a drug induced state. Rush said "Let me tell you something, folks, if we are hit again, if we are hit again, we need to hold these people in our country who are undermining our efforts responsible. It ain't going to be the FBI's fault next time. It isn't going to be the CIA's fault next time. It isn't going to be some bureaucracy's fault next time. It's going to be the fault of politicians, left-wing groups and the like who have names and identities and spend their every waking moment trying to obstruct our ability to secure intelligence information for our own national security.

You want some names: [Sen. Patrick] Leahy [D-VT], [Sen. Joseph R.] Biden [D-DE], [Sen. Richard J.] Durbin [D-IL], [Sen. Barbara] Boxer [D-CA], [Sen. Edward] Kennedy [D-MA], [Senate Majority Leader Harry] Reid [D-NV], Newsweek, Time, The New York Times, Amnesty International. If we get hit again, these are the names of the people and organizations we need to look at when we're trying to find out why and how it happened. "

Now ladies and gentlemen I ask you.. Who's in charge of the country?? Last I checked until he hopefully gets impeached George W. Bush,Dick Cheney,Bill Frist,Dennis Hasert,Donald Rumsfield,Condelisa Rice and last I checked they are not democrats, they are Republicans. Last I also checked is they were responsible and in charge when 9/11 happened. Last I also checked they were warned August 6th,2001 in a presidential daily briefing that Osama Bin Laudin was going to use planes in "non-conventional" hijackings and they chose not to do anything about it.

So ladies and gentlement I am now telling you the following: If anyone listens to the druggie and believes what that drug addict says. While it's your choice you are the ones not doing the reasearch for the truth. What I listed above is the truth.

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