Saturday, June 04, 2005

Robert Novak again

Outer of the cia agent Robert Novak is at it again. From and my own eyes on the June 2 edition of Crossfire Rober Novak made these comments about New York Senator and hopefully future Presidential Canidate Hilary Clinton

NOVAK: "I don't bash Hilary because I think she's weak, I don't bash her because I think she's strong, I bash her because I like to."

Novak has in the past called Hilary mean and Madame Defarge. And what that means for those on the right who can't and don't read Madame Defarge is the evil character in the Charles Dickens classic "A Tale of Two Cities"

Ladies and Gentlemen this is typical right hypocricy. The right are so arrogant and insecure about themselves they feel they can make fun of, lie about and do whatever the hell they want but when they get called on it and when they are the perpretrator of lies, nothing should happen to them. They are the most unethical people I know of and we need to as a nation vote them out of office and hope never to hear from these arrogant blowhards again!

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