Friday, October 27, 2006

More on M. J. Fox

One last note on the idiotic drug addicts attack on Michael J. Fox. Just wondering where his complaints are when Michael J. Fox appeared in an add with REPUBLICAN Arlen Spector? Just wondering also for the idiotic drug addicts complaint on when Nancy Reagan who supports stem cell research.


Anonymous said...

George W Bush is the first President in history to federally fund stem cell science on existing lines and you ignore that.

Embryonic stem cells have been proven to cause tumors in Parkinson's patients and you ignore that.

Embryonic stem cells have cured NOTHING while adult stem cells prove to be very promising and you ignore that.

The issue in Missouri is that this legislation makes cloning CONSTITUTIONAL, a fact MJ Fox and McCaskill are trying to suppress in this fallacious ad and you ignore that.

Democrats are trying to federally legislate a bogus science for their research lobbyists using a science that kills the living to help the sick and you and your blog support those lobbyists.

I'll ignore you as a result.

Erik said...

First that's a lie. That was Bill Clinton. I realize that being a right-winger you ignore facts but that is. As far as the Missouri law if you noticed I haven't really commented on that just the fact that Rush has no right to attack Michael J Fox for having Parkinsons. I don't live in Missouri the law is up to the people there to decide