Monday, April 19, 2010

Do words matter?

I ask this question because we are on the anniversery of the Oklahoma City Bombing. We see such hate from the right-wing media, as well as Republicans in congress and a certain quitter from Alaska, directed toward liberals and especially the Government, we've seen Rep. Michelle Bachman encourage revolution, we see rocks thrown at windows of Democratic Reps due to those words that come from Rush, O'Idiot, Hannity and so many more and we've seen actions.

Take a look at the guy who flew his plane into the IRS in Texas. (By the way a great piece over the weekend on CNN)

The person in Pittsburgh who shot three police officers who firmly believed Obama was going to take away his guns

The murder of Dr. Tiller

The shooting of the Democratic Leader in Arkansas in 2008 for a reminder

And I can continue but the point is these murders have one thing in common and that is a right-wing connection. And until people like Bachman, Palin, Rush, all of these who are encouraging violence are arrested for inciting violence the attacks will be worse and worse and since Republicans never accecpt responsibility for their actions someone has to step up.