Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My ideas

Here is my ideas to curb illegal immigration.

1) Fine, humilliate businesses who hire illegals. How do you humilliate: Like in California after prop 8 out them. Make big ads, put posters in front make it so uncomfortable for them they won't do it.

2) Tighter tighter tighter tighter border security. We can't seem to protect our borders

3) End government programs that state if you are in the country illegaly and have children, the children are automatically citizens and can get government programs. That has to stop.

Contrary to conservative heroes like Ronald Reagan who gave Amnesty to illegals I don't believe in that. Sorry.


Robert E Wilson said...

You are a Nazi, racist, bastard.

That's at least, what many on the Left would call you for stating these beliefs. Just remember that the next time you feel compelled to call a group of people who disagree with your beliefs something similar.

As for Reagan, he admitted later that it was a mistake.

Erik said...

I've been called all of those things from the right.

Erik said...
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Erik said...

A couple of things though first instead of insulting me how about offering your ideas. Oh yeah you are a Republican you have no ideas.

Second I have never really said this before but my grandparents were Holocaust survivors as well as a few members of my family so while I can take cheap shots if you dare say anything about that directed toward me again we are going to have major issues.

Robert E Wilson said...

Erik, please for the love of God, learn what context means. I didn't insult you or call you a name in any way, whatsoever.