Friday, May 20, 2005

Why the United States is the most hated nation in the world

Ladies and Gentlemen I first I want to apologize for not posting yesterday. I try to post everyday but I was stuck on a movie til 12:30 am and couldn't do the post. I do apologize.

Today I want to examine why the United States is the most hated nation in the world. Let's start with 9/11. We know Bush knew some sort of attack was coming for the very fact he was not in Washington D.C. and did not hurry back which is what logical people would do unless they knew or suspected another attack was coming. I'm not saying he sacraficed and just allowed the attacks to happen but anyone with half a brain (which leaves out most republicans) can assume he knew something was going to happen.

After the 9/11 attacks we had the world's support we could have done almost anything to get revenge on the bastard who attacked us which according to reports was Osama Bin Laudin,(sorry if the spelling is not correct), who President Bill Clinton wanted to attack after attacks on two embassys in Africa and the USS Cole and was ridiculed by republicans for doing so, we went into Afghanastan, overthrew their government, the Taliban, and haven't found Osama Bin Lauden three and 1/2 years after the devastating attacks dispite kidnapping foreign citizins taking them to guantanamo, Cuba and torturing them.

Mr. Dubya, being embarassed that he couldn't find one man, successfully turned attention away from Osama Bin Lauden and commited the United States to Iraq, claiming that he had weapons of mass distruction and was going to use them against the United States. The world, except for the United States and Great Britian, knew these claims were false. United Nations inspectors who were on the ground in Iraq all said he did not have any weapons of mass distruction and couldn't get them due to the U.N. sanctions against Iraq.

Dispite the overwhelming evidence against the weapons of mass distruction, the United States and Great Britain invaded Iraq anyway and overthrew Saddam Hussain for no specific reason except for the oil he had which ironically since the invasion the prices for oil have skyrocketed and while that makes Dubya's friends happy as well as Cheney's friends at Halliburton since they have received most of the contracts to "rebuild" Iraq, most of us are barely able to afford gas in this country while the oil industry is making billions in new profits for gauging the price of gas.

To further prove Bush is the most hated man in the world one can only view the funeral of the Pope. Every time that man was shown he was booed. At a funeral.

ONe more piece I forgot to mention. After there was no weapons of mass distruction found, the revisionist republicans said they went into Iraq because he had ties to Osama Bin Laudin which was proven false by the 9/11 commision(don't even let me get started on that) and every report that has come out since so anyone who says Iraq did have ties to Al Queda is only a dittohead who is repeating what Rush said.

In closing we went from being the most loved and respected nation in the world to being the hated all because of the citizens we've kidnapped and torturnedfrom Iraq and Afghanastan, the inocent people we've killed in Iraq(last i heard about 200,000) and the 16300 americans who died and the countless wounded (which is something the pentagon won't release as well as people who have died after being wounded) for no reason except for Halliburton and the oil companies

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