Thursday, May 07, 2009

Day of What??

Today is supposed to be a day of prayer. Which is a government issue that clearly violates separation of church and state. This was started under Clinton, intensified under Bush and looks like privatized under President Obama who is clearly making this a private affair even though this is clearly a violation of the rule. Just like I should not have my religion forced upon anyone who doesn't want it I should NOT have a religion (christianity) forced upon me especially since I feel they are responsible for many of the violence of the world.


Tom Michael said...

Private prayer is NEVER a violation of ANY rule. It's even allowed in public schools. The key is it being private. That separates it from state-sponsored prayer. President Obama did not have to give up his personal religion once he took the oath of office; he's just expected to keep it personal, which he appears to be doing in this instance.

It always mystifies me how social conservatives don't trust the government to do anything right, with the sole exception of demanding the government promote their religion. Government is capable enough to safeguard your soul, but not capable enough to regulate, say, the environment? People, if you distrust government that much, why are you entrusting your religion to it?

Erik said...

All they care about is god, gays and guns. Remember when Obama got dumped on when he said that during the campaign in Pa.?