Wednesday, May 06, 2009

World War III

So Republican Sen. John Cornyn is threatening "World War III" if Democrats try seat elected Senator Al Franken. I've posted this before and I will yet again and will continue to do so til it gets through Republicans thick heads:

For years I, as a Democrat, was told to "get over" Florida and the nightmare that was George Bush. That he won the election. Why won't Republicans tell Norm Coleman to do the same? Unlike Florida all votes were counted in MInnesotaand unlike Florida we have a legitimate winner in Minnesota. So my question to the party of cowards is why don't you "get over it"? Why can't you accept that Franken won the election and allow Minnesota to be represented by the person they elected? Why can't you "get over it"?


Tom Michael said...

To avoid seating Senator-Elect Franken, all the Republicans can do is the Fabian strategy of delay, delay, delay. The best they can hope for is a pyrrhic victory, in which they keep Franken out of office for a year or so, but in the process turn Minnesota permanently into the Democratic column, and give themselves yet another black eye nationally.

I used to think only the Democratic Party could self-destruct like this. It is so refreshing to see the Republicans prove me wrong.

Erik said...

I fear if this goes all the way to the Supreme Court what will happen