Monday, February 19, 2007

Sick bastard

This sick freak in the White House gets more bizarre every day! Here is a quote:

"Washington's Revolutionary War leadership inspired generations of Americans 'to stand for freedom in their own time,'"

"Today, we're fighting a new war to defend our liberty and our people and our way of life," the president said, according to Reuters. "And as we work to advance the cause of freedom around the world, we remember that the father of our country believed that the freedoms we secured in our revolution were not meant for Americans alone."

So according to this sick bastard the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq is the same as the Revolutionary War?? A few facts:

The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a war of choice
The invasion and occupation of Iraq was done for no reason
The invasion and occupation of Iraq was done so Bush's friends can be rich
The invasion and occupation of Iraq was based on Lies by Bush and his friends

Remember that you sick freaks

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