Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Like Father Like Son......

Making a couple of comparisons from papa Bush to current Bush.

Papa Bush: Spent billions of taxpayer dollars to bail out the Savings and Loan Industry (including the current President) with the aid of more of the same John McCain and the Keating 5

Current Bush: Spent billions of taxpayer dollars to bail out the mortgage industry with the aid of more of the same McCain

Papa Bush: Dealt poorly with the destruction of Hurricane Andrew in Florida

Current Bush: Dealt even more poorly with the destruction of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana

Papa Bush: Attacked Iraq for oil

Current Bush: Attacked Iraq for oil

Stunning simularities huh?


Robert E Wilson said...

I agree with you on the bailouts.

Bailouts are not the Answer

However, I wonder where all this Iraqi oil is that we are supposedly fighting for?

Erik said...

Robert so do I cause we aren't seeing it. But in a previous post a few weeks ago I linked an article where Iraq decided to give a big FU to the United States and void the contracts to go with China to show there gratitude.

Erik said...

Robert I hope you see how deregulation doesn't work

Erik said...

What about the others didn't they happen as well? And Robert isnt' the bailouts even more of reasons NOT to vote for more of the same McCain?

Robert E Wilson said...

"Robert I hope you see how deregulation doesn't work"

No, regulation is the problem. Regulation ties government to the companies and that means less or no competition. No competition means prices go up and execs get rich. It also means that government must carry the responsibility when companies act recklessly.

Less regulation promotes competition and the checks and balances that occur naturally in a free market.

What you don't like about deregulation is it puts responsibility on us to make good decisions. Unfortunately, my tax dollars are being used to aid those who did not act responsibly.

As for Obama and McCain, they both promote bailouts. It was McCain who told Detroit not to expect money from his administration, though.

Erik said...

Excuse me we saw exactly this week how deregulation NEVER works. Sorry pal you are wrong.

Other examples:

Cable We pretty much have one option
Energy Look at Enron and the oil crisis.

I bet you can't give as many examples on how it works. Break it down by industry.

And less regulation DOES NOT promote competition it creates monopolies. As the examples I just said above.

Robert E Wilson said...

Erik, you are defeating your own argument.

Cable is heavily regulated. That's why you only have one choice.

Oil companies are heavily regulated. That's why there hasn't been any new oil companies in years.

If I wanted to start my own energy company and convinced lots of investors to fund my endeavor because I can outdo the present companies, guess what would happen? I'd never get it off the ground because the government would stop me.

In a free-market, I could.

Erik said...

Funny how you are making my argument for me when you said:
"No, regulation is the problem. Regulation ties government to the companies and that means less or no competition. No competition means prices go up and execs get rich. It also means that government must carry the responsibility when companies act recklessly."

Without regulation you get the corrupt businesses the corrupt CEO's that are allowed to do what they wish without anyone watching over them to make sure they are not screwing anyone as they do time and time again AND not only do they do that WHEN they fail they get paid with the golden parachute hundreds of millions of dollars.