Sunday, April 09, 2006


I'd like to talk about Bill O'Reilly's column per usual. He talks about teenage drinking and how "dangerous" it is. I'm not saying he's wrong mind you but isn't drinking dangerous for anyone if it's done in access? He also talks about how it leads to teenage girls being pregnant. Again though it happens in adults as well. We can take a look at our presidents past use of drinking and drugs.

But this is a broader issue. First the right-wing demands that you teach abstinence only sex-ed to the kids like that works. People who want to have sex will have sex no matter what. They should be taught about protection. Same thing with drinking. Yeah the law in the United States says that you have to be 21 to have a drink. People who are underage find ways.

I think changes need to be made so people need to learn the consequences of their actions. I mean abstinence only is taught but look at all thetrying to have sex with a 14 year old who was an undercover cop.

Things have got to change in this country.

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