Sunday, April 02, 2006

Who was right?

Remember when Jill Carroll was released the other day? I posed responses from Johna Goldberg and other right-wing reactionaries who thought BEFORE they spoke after Jill Carroll said in a tv interview she was treated well by her captors. I'd like to give an expert from a statement she released yesterday.

I also gave a TV interview to the Iraqi Islamic Party shortly after my release. The party had promised me the interview would never be aired on television, and broke their word. At any rate, fearing retribution from my captors, I did not speak freely…

I want to be judged as a journalist, not as a hostage. I remain as committed as ever to fairness and accuracy–to discovering the truth–and so I will not engage in polemics. But let me be clear: I abhor all who kidnap and murder civilians, and my captors are clearly guilty of both crimes.

So let me ask who was reactionary. Naturally the right wingers.

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