Sunday, April 02, 2006


I, as usual on a Sunday, would like to talk about Bill O'Reilly's column in the Los Angeles Daily News. He, like all right-wingers, are obsessed with the French because they were right about Iraq not having WMD's (remember righties were so upset with the French they wanted to rename French Fries and French Toast to Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast?). In fact Bill O'Reilly if I recall tried to, and claimed success, on a French boycott.

But to today's column. He blasts the way the French (and most of Europe) keep the labor force. He's complains about that the French worker actually get 7 weeks vacation a year nevermind in the United States we are lucky to get two weeks vacation. (I don't even remember that last time I had a legitimate vacation).

He also predicts the Europeon economy will collapse because they care about keeping their employees. Pretty much giving them jobs for as long as they show up is there policy. Wonder if that would work in the U.S. probably not.

As usual O'Reilly is wrong about everything.

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