Monday, November 07, 2005

Religion and Music

I heard this on CBS news yesterday and wanted to talk about this. Everyone knows the late 70's or so hit from Charlie Daniels "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" or at least I assume people know of the song.

So what happened is the C.D. Hylton High School marching band of Woodbridge, Virginia is scheduled to preform at the Peach Bowl in Georgia and were going to play that song however once that was found out the religious nuts flew into an outrage and for the only reason of that song containing the word devil in it. I wonder where the ACLU is?

Ladies and gentlemen this is why I bash religion. The song is about a battle between a devil and a fiddle player and the fiddle player wins. To ban a band from playing this is rediculous and stupid. What happened to freedom of speech huh?

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