Monday, November 14, 2005

Rich getting Richer

Not only are oil companies making record profits due to them gauging America but thanks to those idiots in congress they pay less taxes then most corporations. Most of the time the oil companies pay %35 for taxes but one and four pay their taxes at a lower rate.

Talk about the rich getting richer. Sad.


Robert E Wilson said...

Although the article doesn't state this, I believe it is the companies who aren't profiting so well that are getting the lower tax rate.

Erik said...

If the article didn't state that Robert how do you know?

Robert E Wilson said...

That's how it works, or at least, how it's supposed to. Businesses are allowed more write offs when they are not being profitable.

By the way, I'm glad you changed the format of your blog site. It looks much better.

Erik said...

It was the ads on top which I deleted (at least those) cause I wasn't making money off of it.

Erik said...

Robert space station aside you should have gone to the Paul McCartney show man he was amazing. SImply amazing.