Monday, January 14, 2008


I'd like to give a quote that has been used quite a bit lately by Hillary Clinton which has been blown up by the conservative media to beyond reasonable proportions.

“Dr King’s dream began to be realised when President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It took a president to get it done.”

Honestly that's the truth. It took President Johnson to get that legislation through a then hostile Democratic Congress, specifically then racist Southern Democrats (who have now become Republicans) to have Dr. Kings dream passed and it took President Johnson to get the legislation signed.

But the media, ever eager to pile on Hillary, is making this a huge issue to drive a wedge between her and Barrack Obama. I don't understand the hatred the media has toward her and I probably never will but I always find it funny how the media let's others of THEIR profession get away with saying worse.

I think part of it is the media is mad cause they were predicting Obama to win in New Hampshire and were completely wrong.

If only the media would treat someone who deserves such venom, like Bush, the same way.

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