Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It doesn't work

I hope this is the last time we hear about trickle down economics. It doesn't work. The recession we are in (since no one else is really saying it I will) shows that Bush's tax cuts for the rich don't trickle down to the poor but are kept in the riches on pockets. It didn't work for Reagan, it didn't work for the first Bush and it is NOT working now.

If I hear anyone say it works we need to only look where we are now for proof!


Robert E Wilson said...

Let me get some things clear first before I begin my tirade. Economics is a vastly complicated subject with an incredible amount of variables (kind of like climate, but that's another discussion.) Anyone trying to simplify it or define it by applying absolute rules such as "this works" or "this doesn't work" is wrong.

Also, economic booms and busts - being the complicated beasts that they are, cannot be simply tied to the policies of one president or even one government. They do have an effect, mind you, but there are so many other factors. Therefore, it is wrong to give all the credit of a good economy to one president just as it is wrong to blame a poor economy on one president.

Now for the tirade:

We've had six straight years of tremendous economic growth. Unemployment and inflation have been incredibly low, overall. Small business, has been thriving. More people have started their own businesses in the last six years than ever before. All the economic indicators like the Dow Jones average have shown that the economy in the past six years has been the best in the history of the United States.

You simply have to give the Bush tax-cuts at least some of the credit for this. Even though Bush's opponents will occasionally criticize them, notice how they don't make too much of a deal about them anymore? Do you know why? It's because tax revenues are at an all-time high! Yes, it's true and that is the ultimate retort to your silly post.

You like to say that "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Well, Erik, take your own advice. History has shown time and time again (read about the Great Depression and all the stupid things FDR did to try to fix it.) that when you raise
taxes, the economy slows and tax revenues decrease. Conversely, when taxes are low, the economy is better and tax revenues ultimately increase.

Okay, so the economy is slowing down. That's to be expected as no economy grows at a constant rate. Believe it or not, it's not entirely a bad thing. For example, when the economy adjusts, inflation is kept in check. We've had six years of a strong economy. We may have a year or two of the economy adjusting. It happens.

What bothers me is you, like the media, appear to be dancing in the streets over this as you now think you have something else to blame Bush for where virtually no credit was given to him over the past six years.

I have told you time and time again that I am not a Bush supporter. However, his tax-cuts and his economic policies have been the one thing where I believe he was right.

Erik said...

Again I will say the fact is we are in a recession and if Bush didn't dump the surplus as he did in the beginning we wouldn't be. We are in a recession cause of Bush's failed trickle down economics.

Robert E Wilson said...

So, the recession we were in when Bush took office was obviously Clinton's fault according to your logic.

Erik said...

The fact that you let Bush slide on everything always makes me laugh. Yes the recession when Bush took over was Clinton's fault due to his policies like NAFTA which didn't work. Contrary to you who continuously sucks up to Bush I blame the person no matter who it is. Bush is, according to his own words, the decider. He decided to put in place policies that didn't work and we are paying the price for it as usual since he doesn't care about America.

The recession now is Bush's fault cause he's a damn idiot.