Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Is it important

How important is race and gender when choosing a candidate?

I also remember when Keith Ellison got elected to Congress as the first Muslim-American many people felt for the sole reason he was part Muslim he should not be allowed to serve because so many people associate being Muslim as being a terrorist. In fact I have the comment in my archives from Glen Beck (on CNN Headline News) directly commenting to Ellison "hey are you a terrorist?"

Also Obama has also taken heat from guys like Limbaugh who compare him to Osama intentionally to try to compare him to a terrorist which any sane person knows is not true.

This is not saying anyone who believes a woman or an African American or a Muslim or anyone of a different race or sex doesn't deserve to be President is a racist. They are truly though I feel resistant to change and resistant to except the fact there are more qualified people to be President then middle aged white males.


Robert E Wilson said...

What about the people who are going to vote for Hillary because she is a woman or are going to vote for Obama because he is black?

When Oprah publicly backed Obama, women's groups cried "foul" because she "chose her race over her gender". It's like the candidate's character or stance on issues doesn't mean anything. It's all about the gender/race.

Erik said...

Show me polls that indicate that.