Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Any Reason

Is there any disputing Bush is looking for ANY REASON to attack Iran? Did anyone see the bogus video released by the NAVY which claimed Iranian boats tried to provoke an incident with United States ships in the Persian Gulf? I'm sorry but we know since Bush lied when he said Iran had Nuclear Weapons he must be lying about this since he wants more deaths for our troops. And if you look and the Gulf of Tonkin, the phony incident which got us involved in the Vietnam War there is precedent.


Robert E Wilson said...

What in any way makes you say the video is bogus?

Erik said...

Please. Tell what what makes you think this was in anyway a threat considering the firepower of the U.S. Warships?

Erik said...

Bush just wants any excuse to attack Iran even though they are no threat.

Erik said...

If you want proof on my view we can go to the Pentagon