Monday, January 07, 2008

More lies from guess who?

thanks to

You know everything the Bush Administration (especially the so-called President)says is a lie so why does this quote not surprise me at today's daily briefing:

QUESTION: Senator Clinton said on Saturday that the U.S. economy was slipping towards a recession. Is that a view the White House shares; why or why not?

FRATTO: I don’t know of anyone predicting a recession.

So we have a few quotes:

Harvard University economist Martin Feldstein: We are now talking about [a recession happening] more likely than not. … I have been saying about 50 percent. This now pushes it up a bit above that.” [1/5/08]

Lawrence Summers: “[T]he odds now favour a US recession that slows growth significantly on a global basis. Without stronger policy responses than have been observed to date, moreover, there is the risk that the adverse impacts will be felt for the rest of this decade and beyond.” [11/25/07]

National Association for Business Economics survey: “The number of economists forecasting the U.S. will slip into recession almost doubled over the last two months.” [11/19/07]

Warren Buffett: “If I had to pick the chances that we are going into a recession, I would say they are fairly significant.” [10/29/07]

CBO Director Peter Orszag: “The risk of a recession is clearly elevated.” [9/18/07]

So these people are no ones?? Give me a break. I wish I could snap my fingers like Bush thinks he can and say everything's alright when way smarter people then he are saying it isn't. Bush either doesn't pay attention or doesn't care. Either way as usual he's wrong. Ignoring it is not the answer.

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