Saturday, July 09, 2005

For Every Action

A post was left on my website saying why do I blame Bush for the London attacks and why not blame him for everything. What my conservative friends don't seem to understand it's the old addage for every action there is a reaction. Allow me to give examples and how it applies to President Bush:

Action: Bush ignores global warming stating it's not a problem and refuses to sign the Kyoto Protocal claiming it will wreck the economy of the United States

Reaction: Temperatures on the earth are rising every year,you can do a google search and see the facts regarding that, temperatures in the air, and water. SInce they started keeping track there has NEVER been four hurricaines this early in the Atlantic season and now Florida is about to get hit yet again by Hurricaine Dennis. ONne can also look at the Titanic being hit by an iceberg and now no icebergs are this far south at any time of the year because the Atlantic Ocean is much warmer now.

Action: Bush fails to nab Osama Bin Laden

Reaction: Terrorism is alive and well. The attacks in London Thursday, the attacks in Madrid, and Iraq on a daily basis killing our soldiers and innocent civillians.

If Bush speant the time and money trying to find Bin Laden as he did in Iraq, while the terrorism wouldn't stop, he would have won the war on terror but Bush being Bush, the ignorant stupid toad he is, decided to invade Iraq and hence we are in the quagmire we are in today.

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