Sunday, August 12, 2007

More Disgust

Again how the religious right disgusts me. I posted the other day about the religious group was protesting the funerals of the people who died due to the bridge failure because of nothing the people did but they felt Minnesota was too friendly toward gay people now I found something just as bad.

A CHURCH group in Texas canceled a memorial service of a veteran of the first gulf war after finding out he was gay. No other reason.

I'm sorry close minded people like these are why we will never develop as a society. We need to open our hearts toward all people no matter what their race,age,sexual preference is cause in the grand scheme of things what does it really matter what those things are? People like this and the group in Kansas and anyone who feels the hatred need to realize we are a diverse country and need to realize their way is the WORST possible way to view life in general. Hatred needs to go.

Remember you don't necessarily have to hang out with anyone you don't want to BUT just recognize the rights of other people.

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