Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Foot in Mouth

Sen. Hillary Clinton put her foot in her mouth yesterday by saying that congress is run like a plantation. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=1513201&CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312

Now I know what the cry of racism will be from the right-wing media but I want to take you back to something that Newt Gingrich said in 1994:


How long before the media mentions that Newt Gingrich, just before becoming Speaker of the House, made the same comparison in 1994:

“I clearly fascinate them,” Gingrich said of the Democrats. “I’m much more intense, much more persistent, much more willing to take risks to get it done. Since they think it is their job to run the plantation, it shocks them that I’m actually willing to lead the slave rebellion.” [Washington Post, 10/20/94]

Nothing happened to Gingrich at that time either.

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