Friday, July 28, 2006

An Apology

I want to apologize to the readers of my site. Yes I'm obsessed with the fued with Robert. I don't understand it myself. I just don't like being disrespected as he is being toward me. I knew when I started talking politics not everyone would agree with me and that's fine. I agree with freedom of speech and your rights to agree and disagree with me.

I just would like to remind you all again if you want to post please you are invited. I respect your opinions I might not agree with you you might not agree with me that's fine it's called dialogue. It's the only way to talk.

So I will say this for hopefully the last time: I'm not mad at Robert. He's mad at me. You will see his link on my website even though he has removed the link to my site.

I guess I just will never understand why he is overreacting without contradicting what I'm saying. I just don't understand why he's throwing away our friendship. Oh well what can I do.

Again my apologies to everyone.

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