Wednesday, February 01, 2006

An intersting question

Is black history month still relevent? That's the question asked at that link. I don't feel I'm racist in anyway ask my friends they will hopefully say the same so I hope what I'm about to say isn't taken the wrong way by anyone.

To me I'm not sure. I always felt I'm someone who has had an interest in all history. History of my religion being jewish, history of christianity, history of all colors and races black, white, hispanic, etc. and have for a long time wondered why is one groups history more important then the other?

Now don't get me wrong I know the atrocities committed against the black people during slavery and the civil rights battles of the 50s and 60's(although again I can never know how that feels and will never claim to know that) but every religion has had attrocities like for instances Jewish people and the holocaust.

History is something we should all learn and understand so hopefully mistakes and tragedies of the past won't happen again but it's tough to say if one group or religions history is more important then the other.

1 comment:

Robert E Wilson said...

We can have Black History month if...

We also have (in no particular order)

White-Asian (Japan, China) History Month
Brown-Asian (Phillipines, Indonesia) History Month
Nordic-White History Month
Mediterranean-White History Month
Latin-American History Month
Inuit History Month
American Indian History Month

(Am I forgetting anyone?)

OR we can just have History and cover it as a whole with inclusions of all the races, not promoting or excluding anyone.