Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Key Points

While I can say every word Bush said in the lie of the union was a lie and I can prove it I'd like to talk about a couple of specific issues on what Bush said and lied about.

Bush said "Each of us has made a pledge to be worthy of public responsibility – and that is a pledge we must never forget, never dismiss, and never betray.”

What reality is is Bush has not cooperated in the Abramoff investigation Bush has not cooperated in the Katrina investigation Bush has not cooperated in the Cia leak investigation Bush has close ties to Republicans who are under indictment such as Abramoff such as Scooter Libby.

So there goes that theory.

Another thing Bush said “Keeping America competitive requires us to be good stewards of tax dollars.”

Again what reality is is that we CURRENTLY have record deficits we and with the tax cuts he wants to make pernament it will worsen the deficit. If that is what good stewards means I must have a different view.

One more thing he talked about not wanting to be isolationalists he didn't mention how his policies have created that. His missile shield that didn't work (and that has been every president since Reagan) his policies that are anti-enviroment his refusal to sign the Kyotal Protocal. Those things created the reason why we are the most hated nation in the world.

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