Sunday, October 23, 2005

Hypocrite yet again

On today's Meet the Press Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, R Texas, said the following:

I certainly hope that if there is going to be an indictment that says something happened, that it is an indictment on a crime and not some perjury technicality where they couldn’t indict on the crime so they go to something just to show that their two years of investigation were not a waste of time and dollars.

Isn't it funny how President Bill Clinton was up for impeachment on perjury charges and the same is happening to Rove and LIbby it's bogus? By the way if convicted they could face 5 years in prison.

I've said this before it's amazing what you can get away with if you are a republican isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe they need to define "perjury"...