Saturday, August 06, 2005

bush's vacation part 2

I just have a quick comment. I realize how hard it is to be president and the he really isn't on what most people would call a vacation BUT most of us working people get two weeks if we are lucky and he is about to embarck on the longest vacation, 33 days, that a president has ever taken.

As I said I know he is "working" but we are having two wars,one that was not started by us and one that was, we have a record deficet thanks completely to him, high unemployement, our rights or shrinking and there he is on his ranch having a good old time.

To me there is something wrong about that.


Anonymous said...

He could have a good old time in the oval office if he plays his cards right

Erik said...

Wrong President. Bush wouldn't know a good time if it fell on his lap